- AtariAge.com..........................The Premier ATARI site on the web
- Lotharek (Poland)..............Memory Expansions, Audio Expansions, Storage Devices, Etc.
- Simius (Poland)...................Producer of IDE PLUS 2.0 Interface
- Consumer (USA).................Producer of SDRIVE NUXX SD-CARD Interface
- Mega-HZ (Germany)..........Memory Expansions, Audio Expansions, Storage Devices, Floppy Drive Enhancements, Programmable Cartridges, etc.
- Candle (Poland)....................Memory Expansions, Video Expansions, Audio Expansions, I/O Expansions, Storage Devices, Programmable/Flash Devices, etc.
- ATARIMAX (USA)..............Producer of APE, SIO2PC, MAXFLASH Carts, and various hardware devices for ATARI and Retro Consoles
- A2Central.com...................Premier Apple II info site on the web
- 16Sector.com....................Apple II product vendor
- Syndicomm.......................Apple II product vendor
- Apple2Online.com...............Dr. Ken Bucholz apple II repository & forums
- Dmackey's site.........................Commodore Projects, etc.
- Mhoney's site..............................Commodore Utilities/Applications Software
- CBM8BIT.COM..........................All things Commodore!
- CommodoreServer.com.................C64 Internet Modems, Internet based disk virtualization, Commodore Software Repository
- AMIGA.org.............................AMIGA forums & info site
- AmiBay.................................AMIGA Forums and buy/sell/trade site
- English AMIGA Board..........UK based AMIGA forums
- AMInet...............................Huge FTP repository of AMIGA software & info